Wednesday, 01.22.2025, 7:36 AM
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The International Society 

of Hirudotherapeutists and Hirudologists


First ISHH Workshop

         Dear colleagues and friends,

 At the 10th Conference of the Association of Hirudologists (Kharkiv, October 2012) it was made the decision to organize the International Society of Hirudotherapeutists and Hirudologists (ISHH). In June 2013 this Society was registered in Sofia (Bulgaria). This work was carried out by our Bulgarian colleagues leading by Dr. Farida Kalbahany. Articles and the other documents of the International Society are available at Official languages of the ISHH are English, Bulgarian and Russian.  The documents necessary for entering into the ISHH are below.


Registered members of the ISHH

             The First  Workshop of  ISHH

(Only for registered members of  ISHH).


The ISHH  Workshop  will take place in Sofia (Bulgaria) on  4-8th October 2013.

The program includes:

1. Election of the ISHH President and some organizational matters.

2. Reports of invited speakers concerning medicinal leech ecology, leech breeding, using of medicinal leech in the framework of evidence-based medicine, scientific fundamentals of  hirudotherapy.

3. The final part is discussions about problems of hirudotherapy and hirudology.


In September the registered members of IAHH will receive special invitations for urgent processing a visa in Bulgarian consulates.

Please, before  September 15  inform  Farida Kalbahany about your  intention to take part in the ISHH Workshop (e-mail: ,  Skipe:  farikal60).




It is necessary to send scanned documents (in any of official languages) to Dr. Farida Kalbahany (e-mail:

1. The statement with your signature confirming that you agree with goals and objectives of ISHH. Your name, last name, country.

2. For individual members: Diploma copy, copy of a document about hirudotherapy specialization, copy of your passport.

3. For institutional members: copy of a document about registration and  about the right to attend to hirudotherapy or to medicine. It is necessary to submit full legal data,  stamp,  signature,  full name of  registration authority,  legal address, data of  director and number of registration.


  1. "Dastarhan” OOD    Bulgaria
  2. "Doktor Pijawka" Poland
  3. "European Scientific Society” (ESS)  Germany
  4. "Hirud I.N.” OOO  Russia
  5. "Hirusal Sociedad  Anonima”    Costa Rica
  6. "Janua 98”  EOOD  Bulgaria
  7. "Moscow Alliance of  Hirudotherapeutists” Russia
  8. "Sisi”   OOD  Bulgaria
  9. ”Hirudo” OOO Kazakhstan
  10. „Uitek” OOO Russia
  11. Polish Assotiation of Hirudology, Poland
  12. UAB LODEKSA, Lithuania


         Individual members:

  1. Baskova I.,  Russia
  2. Bogatyriova A., UK
  3. Bogoslovskaya Elena, Spain
  4. Chumakov A. Russia
  5. Darestany K., Iran
  6. Doychenko V.,  USA
  7. Dudek Radim, Czeck Republic
  8. Dugenets G. Russia
  9. Evans Nina Barbora, United Kingdom
  10. Frolov A.,,Ukraine
  11. Grevtsova G.,  Ukraine
  12. Habrmanova Maria, Slovenska Republika
  13. Ismail-zade L., Kazakhstan
  14. Jakimova  M.,  Russia
  15. Kalbakhani F., Bulgaria
  16. Kasyan L. Russia
  17. Kevan Rurak, Canada
  18. Koeppen Deltev, Germany
  19. Konyrtaeva N.N. Kazakhstan
  20. Koshevskaia T.,  Belarus
  21. Kramarauskiene V.,  Lithuania
  22. Litvinenko R., Ukraine
  23. Masoumeh Malek, Iran
  24. Muuratidou Maria, Greece
  25. Nesenuk O., Ukraine
  26. Novotsidou A., Greece
  27. Osipova O., Belarus
  28. Paruzel Irena, Poland 
  29. Paruzel Maciej, Poland
  30. Pavlova I.B. Russia
  31. Pospelova M.,  Russia
  32. Saglam Naim, Turkey
  33. Semikova T.,  Russia
  34. Sulim N., Russia
  35. Takac Peter, Slovenska Republika
  36. Titova E.A., Russia
  37. Urbanovich A., Belarus
  38. Utevsky S.,  Ukraine
  39. Utevsky A.,  Ukraine
  40. Yudina T.G. Russia
  41. Zaychenko V., Russia
  42. Zubenko  V.,  Ukraine
  43. Zuravski S.,  Russia



Organizing committee of the ISHH Workshop:


Prof. Isolda Baskova (Moscow State University, Russia)

Serge Utevsky, Associate Professor (V.N. Karazin Kharkiv  National University, Ukraine)

Andrei  Utevsky, Associate Professor (V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine)

Farida  Kalbahany, Doctor-hirudotherapeutist (Bulgaria)


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