Goals :
1.Representation of the interests of hirudotherapeutists, medicinal
leech producers and hirudologists in European,
international and national organizations.
2.Keeping the register of biofactories and hirudotherapeutists.
3.Dissemination of
information and popularization of the scientific approach in hirudotherapy.
4.Introduction of
standards in treatment and prophylaxis by the medicinal leech.
1. Recognition in
all the countries hirudotherapy as a method of conclusive medicine based on
scientific evidence.
2. Support to
hirudotherapy and producers of the medicinal leech, dissemination of
information and popularization of the scientific approache in hirudotherapy.
3. Recognition of the medicinal
leech as a medicament in all the countries.
4. Education and certification
of doctors. International advanced-training courses for hirudotherapeutists.
5. Elaboration of standards for treating and preventing diseases by medicinal leech.
6. Exchange of experience between the scientists
and practitioners of different countries. Publishing
manuals, guidances etc.
7. Defense of
hirudotherapeutists under court contests.
8. Elaboration methods directed to the
protection of the medicinal leech in natural water bodies. Formation of the regard
for the medicinal leech as the European (International) heritage.
9. International
sanctions for salespeople and buyers of the "wild”
medicinal leech living in natural water bodies.
10. Methodological and
legal help in organization and creation of novel biofactories for breeding
medicinal leeches.
11. Research work by
scientists of different fields from different countries for the investigation
natural compounds of leech saliva and their effects on a human organism.